
My sentiments exactly.

Ever feel like this? 
This is what I have felt like for the past week. Shh, don't wake me up.


Turn it around.

Just a few of the many snaps taken in the last few weeks.
Click for soundtrack.
biggest kisses across the world,



Just a few ads and logo from my 2D Graphic Identity Project redesigning my sad sad perfume, Mimosa, which has tragically been discontinued. Too bad I can't actually push this product. It smells so yummy! (Please excuse the shitty quality).


Bye, bye Parsons...
Well folks, it's been decided that it is time for me to leave Parsons and The New School. I've been doing a LOT of thinking lately and this really seems like the best thing to do! I've really just grown away from trying to be a business man. This really isn't something I like. Im a performer and thats what I want to do so...Im going to do it! Woo! This is exciting to finally say!

Cheers, Tyler =]


Buttery noodles please?

So here are a few snaps of our unfurnished apartment. Fortunately today we received a large shipment of lamps and such and our big friendly leather couch arrived the other day. Mariel, Danny, Tyler and I had a fun time with Sophia's wacky masks and took advantage of the empty room. Internet still isn't set up in the new place so HA i have an excuse for not updating. I am currently sitting at school bumming the wireless and taking some photos with R before we head to Times Square to see the lights.
More pictures of the raging housewarming party soon! Bear with me and my issues with Time Warner Cable. 


Take me back.

In Florida, there's always a party at Danny's house.

Oh, and there is also beautiful weather.

Danny and I went to the "secret spot" and sat around for a bit. We played with a snail and watched the boats! I started thinking of this day in particular because it is absolutely just cold here in New York City. We have one nice day, then it rains the next three. I don't get it...and I certainly don't like it =[
Take me back to Florida!



Last night of endulgance.

Against my will, I was dragged out on Friday night. The stress of the move has been a little overwhelming but I am glad I had some fun time. Still waiting for you three to come see the new place!
Dinner tonight?



Yesterday we picked up the keys to our new apartment. I know, I know, exciting! I'm hoping that the fact that I am in the middle of a move will excuse the fact that I have been so terrible at posting lately. This weekend all the furniture should be in just in time for my special visitor. 
Well I should get back to online furniture shopping!
Oh here's a moving-playlist track for you.